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Sunday, 20 May 2012

Semester Break =P

salam guys =)
semester break begins !
even dah almost 2 or 3 weeks cuti,
tp mood holiday tu still macam baru kemarin jea cuti nye punn~ hehe ;)

okayh, cuti sem kali ni, mira keje dengan ayah 
untuk isi masa yang terbiar nih XP hehe
fulus pon masyukk ~
 ini serious ~ hahaha

okay, result final pulak !
haih....... alhamdulillah...melepasi target =) yeah!!
tapi nyaris2 tersungkur...haish~
padah banyak sgt maen sem lepas..
kalau tak insaf lagi memang dahsyat la kan =P
btw, thanx to mama ngan ayah yang banyak support saya =D
to all my beloved friends too..
TERIMA KASIH !! ;) wink wink..
hope the next semester will be better than this.
till then, see ya! 

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The Last Two Peiper !!

salam guys =)
yeah!! finally~nak balik rumah suda...

but, before i leave my beloved poli ni,
i should sit for the last two papers =)

as usual, bila tiba jea last paper,
mesti mood study suma dah down..
and mood balik kampung yang melonjak2 naik!

hahaha..lumrah student kot~
so, esok ada dua peiper that are
Discrete Mathematics and the killest one,
Fundamentals Of Programming =.='

nama pon the killest one, memang obvious susah la kan..
but, memandangkan mood balik kampung lagi tinggi dari
mood study,i've decided to study gitu2 jea..
boleh pulak macam tu kan... =P
but, really2 hope i can get good result for this sem XD

(study pon tanak, ada hati nak result gempak)
hahaha.. just wish me luck kayh =)
till then, see ya!